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      英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


      Silcoates School







      Silcoates School 錫爾科茨學校,錫爾科茨中學, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF2 0PD.
      Tel: 01924 291614. Fax: 01924 368693
      • CO-ED, 7–18, Day
      • Pupils 750, Upper sixth 60
      • Termly fees £1748–£2952
      • HMC
      • Enquiries/applications to the Admissions Secretary
      School profile

      Pupils: Total age range 7–18; 750 day pupils (450 boys, 300 girls). Main entry ages 7, 11, 13, 16.
      Headmaster: A Paul Spillane, appointed 1990.
      Religion: United Reform Church.
      School founded: 1820

