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      英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


      Marlborough College











       12175鎊/學期,  注冊費:




       11-18歲,  測試


      英國西南 威爾特





      其 它:

       12%考入牛劍  需提前一年申請




         ► 現在申請



      馬爾伯勒中學(馬爾伯勒學院)Marlborough College 建于1843年,最開始是為英國國教神職人員子女提供教育,位于市集旁。馬爾伯勒丘陵北接撒勒尼克森林,東臨肯尼特河,該河更流經我校。我校校友環境優美,有大面積的花園和操場。所有教學設施設備均屬一流水平。從1968年開始,我校在A-Level階段招收女生,并于1989年完全轉為合校。我校信仰英國國教,學生需要參加禮拜。師生比例是17,我校學生成績優異。音樂(超過400名學生學習樂器),戲。磕晟涎15部戲劇作品)和藝術是我校傳統優勢學科。此外,體育及課外活動豐富,我校學生多次獲得獎項,多名學生更是不同體育運動項目的郡代表和國家代表。多達30個社團供學生選擇,滿足學生的不同興趣和需求。我校每年組織學生參加the Duke of Edinburghs Award 活動; 更為學生開設社區服務。
      校長: Louise Moelwyn-Hughes女士,從20189月開始任職。

      考試成績: GCSE: 16211年級學生參加GCSE統考,所有學生獲得8門以上的C99%的學生學習英語文學,數學,一門科學,一門人文學科和一門現代外語) 。A-levels: 18413年級學生參加A-Level統考,25%的學生通過4門以上的學科,75%的學生通過3門學科,平均分是365分。

      學生升學: 99%A-Level畢業生升讀大學或藝術預科課程 (59%的學生在一年后繼續升讀), 12%的學生升讀牛劍。5%的學生學習醫學,牙醫和獸醫,20%的學生學習科學和工程學,64%的學生學習人文學科和社會科學,3%的學生學習藝術與設計,2%的學生學習職業學科,如土地管理,6%的學生學習商業或管理。

      體育: 男生必修:板球,曲棍球和橄欖球;女生必修:田徑,曲棍球,籃網球和網球;多達29個體育運動供選修。我校多名學生是不同體育運動的郡代表和國家代表。 學生每年獲得Duke of Edinburghs Award金銀銅獎; 學生可參加軍訓或戶外活動; 我校開設社區服務。超過30個社團供學生選擇:阿拉伯語,哲學,法學,自然史,心理學,人類學等。

      寄宿: 500名學生有獨立的宿舍,256名學生使用二人間,174名學生使用多人間。宿舍數量多達60座。學生可自備餐飲。第一學期和第二學期,我校有兩次長周末和期中價,允許學生在下午到本地小鎮拜訪。

      著名校友: Sir John Betjeman, Siegfried Sassoon, Louis MacNeice (詩人); Norris McWhirter (吉尼斯世界紀錄創辦人); Peter Brooke (藝術家); Lord Hunt (上議院副院長); Norman Del Mar (交響樂指揮家); Sir Nicholas Goodison (金融家); Julian Pettifer (節目主持人); Chris De Burgh (歌手/作曲家); Christopher Martin-Jenkins (板球記者); Sir Peter Medawar (諾貝爾醫學獎獲獎者); Lord Butler (前公務員事務局局長); The Duchess of Cambridge (凱特王妃)


      學校類型: 合校,中學
      地址: Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1PA
      郵編: SN8 1PA
      地區: 維爾特郡
      電話: 01672 892300
      官網: www.marlboroughcollege.org
      學生人數: 965
      費用: 寄宿生12,175英鎊/學期 




      School: Marlborough
      School Type: Co-ed, Senior
      Address:Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1PA
      Postcode: SN8 1PA
      Region: Wiltshire
      Telephone: 01672 892300
      Website: www.marlboroughcollege.org
      Gender: Co-ed
      Pupils: 965
      Fees: Per Term £10,350 (day) £12,175 (Boarding)
      Enquiries: the Senior Admissions Tutor
      Founded in 1843 as a school for the Sons of Clergy of the Church of England, it has a delightful setting on the edge of an agreeable market town. The Marlborough Downs lie to the north, Savernake Forest to the east, and the Kennet runs through the school grounds. Its elegant buildings lie amidst fine lawns and gardens, with large playing fields adjoining them. All facilities are of a high standard. It pioneered the admission of girls into the sixth form in 1968, and became fully co-educational in 1989. In line with the terms of its foundation, there is a good deal of emphasis on Anglican worship and instruction and some services are compulsory. A large staff allows a staff:pupil ratio of nearly 1:7. Academic standards are high and examination results consistently very good. Tremendously strong involvement in music (over 400 pupils learn an instrument). Also very strong in art and drama (over 15 dramatic productions a year). There are 34 sports and games on offer and an outstanding record in these, with county and national representatives. An excellent range of extra-curricular activities – some 30 clubs and societies cater for virtually everyone’s interests. A flourishing CCF contingent and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is also run; substantial commitment to local community schemes. There is splendid provision for outdoor activities.
      School Head:

      Mrs Louise Moelwyn-Hughes to take over from Jonathan Leigh in September 2018


      GCSE: 162 pupils in upper fifth, all gaining at least grade C in 8+ subjects (99% of pupils included English, maths, a science, a humanity and a modern language). A-levels: 184 in upper sixth, 25% passing in 4+ subjects and 75% in 3 subjects, with an average final point score of 365.


      99% of sixth form leavers go on to a degree course or art foundation course (59% after a gap year), 12% to Oxbridge. 5% take courses in medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, 20% in science and engineering, 64% in humanities and social sciences, 3% in art and design, 2% in vocational subjects such as land management, 6% in business or management.


      Cricket, hockey, rugby compulsory for boys; athletics, hockey, netball, tennis for girls; a further 29 other sports and games offered. Regular national and many county representatives. Also bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award; CCF/outdoor activities; community service. Over 30 societies, including Arabic, philosophy, law, natural history, psychology, social anthropology.


      About 500 have own study bedroom, 256 share with 1 or 2 others, 174 are in small dormitories. Houses of about 60 (most single-sex; 4 for boys and sixth-form girls). Pupils can provide and cook own supplementary food. 2 weekend exeats in winter and easter terms, plus half-term. Afternoon visits into town allowed.


      is run by Kate O’Connor c/o the school.


      Sir John Betjeman, Siegfried Sassoon, Louis MacNeice (poets); Norris McWhirter (founder of the Guinness Book of Records); Peter Brooke (artist); Lord Hunt (Deputy Leader of the House of Lords); Norman Del Mar (conductor); Sir Nicholas Goodison (financier); Julian Pettifer (presenter); Chris De Burgh (singer/songwriter); Christopher Martin-Jenkins (cricket correspondent); Sir Peter Medawar (Nobel Prize for Medicine); Lord Butler (former Head of the Civil Service); The Duchess of Cambridge.

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