Chetham's School of Music 契天音樂中學, 契天音樂學校
Long Millgate, Manchester M3 1SB
Tel: 0161 834 9644 Fax: 0161 839 3609
• CO-ED, 8–18, Day & Boarding
• Pupils 292, Upper sixth 61
• Termly fees £5667 (Day), £7321 (Boarding)
• Enquiries/application to the Head’s Secretary
What it’s like
Founded in 1653, it lies in the centre of Manchester in its own grounds. The
buildings are well designed and well equipped; boarding accommodation is
comfortable. It has been a specialist music school since 1969 when it also first
admitted girls. It is possible to study any musical instrument, keyboard,
guitar, composition or voice. All entrants who have been resident in this
country for at least two years prior to admission qualify automatically for
financial help through the government Music & Dance Scheme. Whilst specialist
music tuition forms the core of the curriculum (about one third of the
timetabled time is devoted to music), the school follows the National Curriculum
as far as possible. Pupils are prepared for GCSE, AS and A-levels and results
are very good. Pupils normally study one first-study instrument (or voice or
composition) and one second study. Most leavers go on to study music, some at a
music college, some at university (including many to Oxbridge). The range of
facilities for sport and games and other recreations includes swimming pool,
squash court, gymnasium and multi-gym.
School profile
Pupils & entrance
Pupils: Total age range 8–18; 292 pupils, 81 day (43 boys, 38
girls), 211 boarding (100 boys, 111 girls). Senior department 11–18, 269 pupils
(136 boys, 133 girls).
Entrance: Entry at any age. Admission by audition. Musical potential
looked for; no religious requirements.
Scholarships, bursaries & extras Aided pupil awards (on the
government Music & Dance Scheme) for all entrants resident in UK for at least 2_
years prior to entry, value up to full fees – currently £21,963 pa
(means-tested) plus travel and uniform grants. Parents not expected to buy
Parents 10+% live within 30 miles; up to 10% live overseas.
Head & staff
Head: Mrs Claire Moreland, in post from 1999. Educated at Devonport High
School for Girls and Oxford University (modern languages). Previously Deputy
Head and Housemistress of Rugby, Head of Department of Croydon High and modern
language teacher at Sevenoaks School. Publications: German textbook.
Teaching staff: 41 full time, 80 part-time. Annual turnover 8%. Average
age 42.
Exam results
GCSE: On average, 36 pupils in upper fifth: all gain at least grade C in
5–8 subjects. Average GCSE score 52 (51 over 5 years).
A-levels: 56 in upper sixth: 20% pass in 4+ subjects, 50% in 3 and 30% in
2. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 301.
University & college entrance The majority of sixth-form leavers go
on to music colleges. 35% go on to a degree course (6% after a gap year), 20% to
Oxbridge: 2% take courses in medicine, law and languages, 6% in science &
engineering, 12% in humanities & social sciences, 2% in art & design, 80% in
Curriculum GCSE, AS and A-levels. 14–15 AS/A-level subjects
(including music technology).
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 3 subjects at AS-level, 2–3 at
A-level; in addition all take music, 40% take music technology. 70% take
A-levels in arts/humanities; 30% in both arts and sciences. 3 main key skills
taught as compulsory, discrete units in lower sixth; each student aims for
accreditation in at least one skill.
Special provision: Tuition for ESL/dyslexic pupils.
Languages: French and German offered to GCSE, AS and A-level.
ICT: Taught across the curriculum. 30 computers for pupil use, networked
and with email and internet access.
The arts
Music: All pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be
taken. Some 60 musical groups including duets, trios, quartets, quintets, wind
band, percussion ensemble, chamber choir, chamber orchestra, symphony orchestra.
10 members of the National Youth Orchestra.
Drama: Drama offered. GCSE drama and A-level theatre studies (5 pa) may
be taken. Some pupils are involved in school productions.
Art & design: On average, 8 take GCSE and A-level; 5 pupils per year take
A-level. Pottery, photography also offered.
Sport & activities
Sport: Boxercise, running, trampolining, fitness training, swimming,
squash, badminton, weight training, table tennis, rounders are optional sports.
Activities: Music in the community activities.
School life
Uniform: School uniform worn, some choice in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: No competitive houses. Prefects, head boy/girl, head
of house and house prefects – appointed by the Head/heads of houses.
Religion: Assemblies and weekly (non-denominational) service in
Manchester Cathedral. Sunday service is encouraged. RCs have own weekly
instruction or service.
Social: Regular weekend outings for boarders. Organised choral/orchestral
tours (about 2 per year). Meals self-service. School tuckshop. No tobacco or
alcohol allowed.
Discipline Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect a
reprimand, extra work; policy of involving families early in pastoral, moral,
disciplinary matters. Head has power of suspension or expulsion.
Boarding 39% share (2 to a room); 9% in rooms of 6. Single-sex houses
of approximately 50. Resident and day-time nurses, 2 visiting doctors, school
counsellors. Central dining room. Pupils can provide and cook own food in
houses. Any number of weekend exeats. Visits to the city allowed.
Alumni association is run by The Secretary, ‘Friends of Chetham’s’,
c/o the school.
Former pupils Peter Donohoe, Stephen Hough, Anna Markland, Leon
McCawley, Tim Horton (all pianists); Grant Llewellyn, Daniel Harding
(conductors); Wayne Marshall (organist); Mike Lindup (pop group – Level 42);
Omar (Hammer) (soul singer); Max Beesley (films/TV), Guy Johnston (BBC Young
Musician of the Year, 2000).